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actionList.Pro™ serves as an integrated watchlist platform that positions its customers to independently monitor risk and reward attributes associated with individual stocks, or stock positions, and efficiently draw insight from across perspectives that scale from high-level capital market factors to industrial index and stock-specific price trend strength indicators. It allows for monitoring activities to take place within the context of an informational framework consisting of risk and reward related measures with the potential to drive change, and serves as an enabling technology that provides its users with meaningful time savings while deepening their stock market insights.

How does actionList.Pro's™ stock market risk and reward watchlist differ from traditional stock watchlists? Traditional stock watchlists allow for monitoring of stock prices, and perhaps related positions, price charts, indicators and news flows. actionList.Pro's™ stock market watchlist empowers users to readily monitor a broad spectrum of risk and reward measures associated with individual securities. Selected on the basis of their potential to help inform allocation decisions, the measures range from high level capital market indicators and summary statistics to increasingly granular company-specific market factors. Relative to traditional stock watchlists, actionList.Pro's™ stock market risk and reward watchlist features greater scope of coverage, continuity, informational density and ease of use.

Say goodbye to your old stock watchlist! The view at actionList.Pro™ is that a robust and independent monitoring function fulfills a crucial informational role insofar that it helps give rise to the questions that lead to well informed decisions. It also creates time for its users to focus their fundamental and technical research efforts on individual stocks, as well as consult with their financial advisors.

Goals. High on the list of actionList.Pro's™ goals is to provide its users with an environment that positions them to ask meaningful questions about established, or considered, positions. It simultaneously provides them with time to conduct independent research, and consult with their qualified financial advisors.

Among actionList.Pro’s™ most particular functions is the production of powerLine™ Alerts for the stock ticker symbols in its coverage universe, as well as for a set of meaningfully related industrial and macroeconomic indexes. They are presented as prompts to review fundamental and technical research conclusions. In that sense powerLine™ alerts are meta indicators.

powerLine Alert (ˈpau̇(-ə)rˈlīn ə-ˈlərt) noun. An assessment of a stock price's or stock index value's trend strength derived from the application of a crossover rule implemented with actionList.Pro's™ powerLine™ indicator.

From high level indicators to individual stock trend strength assessments, actionList.Pro's™ services are delivered through a set of ten easy-to-navigate panels, providing exceptionally efficient access to a unique ringside-seat-view of risk and reward related developments.