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econ101 Panel

This post highlights actionList.Pro's econ101 panel and is part of the aLP Panels Tour, a series of posts published to introduce select actionList.Pro features, benefits and related use cases.

July 23, 2024 09:55:00 AM ET

PONTE VEDRA, FL --(actionList.Pro LLC)-- Fundamental factors of production (basic economic inputs) include money, materials, labor and property. Developments in these markets may be monitored with the help of indexes in actionList.Pro's econ101 panel. They include:

  • The aLP Money Index
  • The aLP Real Estate Index
  • The aLP Commodities Index
  • The aLP Initial Claims Index

With the exception of the aLP Initial Claims Index, the indexes in this panel are maintained with popular exchange traded funds (ETFs). The aLP Initial Claims Index is based on the percentage change in the number of Seasonally Adjusted Unemployment Insurance Claims, reported weekly by the U.S. Department of Labor. The charts in this panel seek to help actionList.Pro's users assess the extent to which activity in the markets for basic economic inputs is linked to activity in the stock market.

Use Case | Cornerstone Markets and Real-World Relationships

To varying degrees, businesses rely on all the markets represented by the indexes in the econ101 panel. To the extent they do, developments in this panel's indexes have the potential to signal business-specific risks and opportunities. Even entire economies need the represented cornerstone markets to function well, and it's worth considering that clues to changes in macroeconomic indicators and the macroeconomic outlook may manifest in this particular set of indexes before they are reflected in conventional forecasts.

Trends in the econ101 panel's indexes may also help summarize the potential influence of the Federal Reserve's powerful regulatory policies. E.g.: Against the backdrop of still relatively elevated short-term interest rates:

  • Money instruments are producing returns in line with near-term rates established by the Federal Reserve. See Image 1.
  • Activity in the real estate market was tempered throughout much of 2024. See Image 2.
  • Commodity markets have traded in a range since the end of Q1-2024. See Image 3.
  • An upswing in initial unemployment insurance claims may be showing some early signs of stress in the labor market. See Image 4.

aLP Money Index.

Image 1 - aLP Money Index

aLP Real Estate Index.

Image 2 - aLP Real Estate Index.

aLP Commodities Index.

Image 3 - aLP Commodities Index

aLP Initial Claims Index.

Image 4 - aLP Initial Claims Index

The econ101 panel dovetails nicely with the superScan panel ... From this angle, it's almost possible to watch Federal Reserve regulators' policies at work!

Finally, it's interesting to note that peaks and valleys in the econ101 panel's indexes may cluster around those in actionList.Pro's powerLine Alerts Distribution study. The suggestion is that the econ101 panel's indexes offer potentially useful clues to the forces underlying stock market activity, and bear monitoring for their potential to convey explanatory insights.

If you enjoyed learning about actionList.Pro's econ101 panel, consider this your invitation to register for a no-strings-attached free trial, available at: www.actionlist.pro. And don't forget to share this post with a friend! For updates and news from actionList.Pro, subscribe to the actionList.Pro RSS Feed. It also features a calendar of economic indicator announcements.

About actionList.Pro

actionList.Pro™ serves as an integrated watchlist platform that positions its customers to independently monitor risk and reward attributes associated with individual stocks, or stock positions, and efficiently draw insight from across perspectives that scale from high-level capital market factors to industrial index and stock-specific price trend strength indicators. It allows for monitoring activities to take place within the context of an informational framework consisting of risk and reward related measures with the potential to drive change, and serves as an enabling technology that provides its customers with meaningful time savings while deepening their stock market insights.

Source: actionList.Pro LLC

Hashtags: #actionlistpro #interest_rates #stocks #stock_market #trends #watchlist #money #commodities #labor #realestate

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