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induScan Panel

This post highlights actionList.Pro's induScan panel and is part of the aLP Panels Tour, a series of posts published to introduce select actionList.Pro features, benefits and related use cases.

July 26, 2024 03:20:00 PM ET

The summary studies in the induScan panel extend the powerLine Alerts Distribution study introduced in the superScan Panel. Whereas the superScan Panel study's scope spans actionList.Pro's entire coverage universe, each of the 21 induScan Panel's studies is constrained to an industry specified in actionList.Pro's industrial taxonomy. See Image 1.

aLP induScan  Panel.

Image 1 - induScan Panel

As a reminder, the lower (upper) black bar chart segment indicates the proportion (%) of Go Long (Go Short) powerLine alert assessments. At the same time, the grey area immediately below (above) the central boundary specifies the proportion (%) of Stay Long (Short) powerLine alert assessments. actionList.Pro's primary industries are:

Primary Industrial Sectors

  • AGRI - Agriculture
  • ATCH - Applied Technology
  • BSCM - Basic Materials
  • CMCL - Commercial
  • FCLT - Commercial Property
  • CNSM - Consumer
  • DTHC - Deathcare
  • DFNS - Defense Systems
  • EDCN - Education
  • NRGY - Energy
  • FNCE - Finance
  • HLTH - Healthcare
  • INDU - Industrial
  • STRX - Infrastructure
  • LSRE - Leisure
  • MDIA - Media
  • RSID - Residential Property
  • TECH - Technology
  • TLCM - Telecom
  • TXPT - Transportation
  • UTIL - Utilities

Use Case | An Industrial Sector-by-Sector Trend Strength Scan

The induScan panel's studies are maintained to help users stay current with trend strength assessments on an industrial sector-by-sector basis, and are intended to prompt research into industry specific opportunities. Simply enter the respective industry's symbol, as indicated in the above list, or use the panel's left and right arrows to sequentially load the summary studies. Additional information about actionList.Pro's powerLine indicator is available here. (Link coming soon)

If you enjoyed learning about actionList.Pro's induScan panel, consider this your invitation to register for a no-strings-attached free trial, available at: www.actionlist.pro. And don't forget to share this post with a friend! For updates and news from actionList.Pro, subscribe to the actionList.Pro RSS Feed.

About actionList.Pro

actionList.Pro™ serves as an integrated watchlist platform that positions its customers to independently monitor risk and reward attributes associated with individual stocks, or stock positions, and efficiently draw insight from across perspectives that scale from high-level capital market factors to industrial index and stock-specific price trend strength indicators. It allows for monitoring activities to take place within the context of an informational framework consisting of risk and reward related measures with the potential to drive change, and serves as an enabling technology that provides its customers with meaningful time savings while deepening their stock market insights.

Source: actionList.Pro LLC

Hashtags: #actionlistpro #stocks #stockmarket #trends #watchlist #industrytrends #industrialtrends

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