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powerLine and powerLine Alerts Panels

This post highlights actionList.Pro's powerLine and powerLine Alerts panels and is part of the aLP Panels Tour, a series of posts published to introduce select actionList.Pro features, benefits and related use cases.

July 27, 2024 05:58:00 PM ET

PONTE VEDRA, FL --(actionList.Pro LLC)-- actionList.Pro's powerLine panel displays a given stock ticker symbol's powerLine series.

Some Background: actionList.Pro developed a trend-strength indicator (an oscillator) called powerLine. Its function accepts prices of individual stocks or stock index values as inputs and it is theoretically unbound, but tends to range between 4 and -4 in practice. A rising indicator suggests increasing trend strength, and a declining indicator suggests decreasing trend strength. Peaks and valleys in the series highlight potential turning points in trend strength. The powerLine indicator is not back-tested. Interestingly enough, the powerLine indicator function will produce a different powerLine series with each run, even if the underlying inputs are identical.

aLP powerLine Panel.

Image 1 - aLP powerLine Panel

actionList.Pro's powerLine panel makes viewing powerLine series easy. See Image 1. Simply enter a stock ticker symbol in the input field, and click the enter button. Or, use the arrows on either side of the chart to sequentially load powerLine series charts for the stock ticker symbols included in the $actionList panel.

The powerLine function is also applied to create powerLine series for a set of indexes related to individual stock ticker symbols, including: (1) primary industrial sector indexes, (2) macroeconomic indexes and (3) their related news flow indexes.

As a reminder, actionList.Pro's industrial taxonomy is specified as follows:

Primary Industrial Sectors

  • AGRI - Agriculture
  • ATCH - Applied Technology
  • BSCM - Basic Materials
  • CMCL - Commercial
  • FCLT - Commercial Property
  • CNSM - Consumer
  • DTHC - Deathcare
  • DFNS - Defense Systems
  • EDCN - Education
  • NRGY - Energy
  • FNCE - Finance
  • HLTH - Healthcare
  • INDU - Industrial
  • STRX - Infrastructure
  • LSRE - Leisure
  • MDIA - Media
  • RSID - Residential Property
  • TECH - Technology
  • TLCM - Telecom
  • TXPT - Transportation
  • UTIL - Utilities

Macroeconomic Sectors or Markets

  • FCTR - Factor
  • FNCL - Financial
  • HHLD - Household
  • GOVT - Government
  • BSNS - Business

Use Case | Power Up Your Stock Market Insights with powerLine Alerts

The stock price and index-related powerLine series are applied to create powerLine Alerts; trend strength assessments derived from the application of a crossover rule implemented with actionList.Pro's powerLine indicator. powerLine Alerts are classified as follows:

  • +X ... New Positive (positive crossover; fast crosses above slow)
  • + ... Ongoing Positive (fast > slow for at least two sessions)
  • -X ... New Negative (negative crossover; fast crosses below slow)
  • - ... Ongoing Negative (fast < slow for at least two sessions)
  • NAA ... Not an Alert (The underlying data isn't cooperating)

actionList.Pro's powerLine Alerts panel summarizes powerLine alerts for the stock ticker symbols included on the $actionList in spreadsheet format, with conveniently sortable columns. See Image 2.

aLP powerLine Panel.

Image 2 - aLP powerLine Alerts Panel

The powerLine Alerts table's columns are defined as indicated below. See Table 1. For easy reference, the definitions are also accessible with a click on the actual table's column headers.

ASym | pL - Stock Ticker Symbol and most recent powerLine value
BAlrt - Stock ticker symbol specific powerLine alert
Ci1 - Primary Industrial Sector index powerLine alert
Di1n - Primary Industrial Sector powerLine news flow index powerLine alert
ESM - Macroeconomic Sector or Market index powerLine alert
FSMn - Macroeconomic Sector or Market news flow index powerLine alert

Table 1- powerLine Alerts Panel Column Definitions

powerLine Alerts are not investment recommendations. powerLine Alerts are intended to serve as prompts to independently confirm technical and fundamental research conclusions, and to then review them with qualified financial advisors. In that sense, they are meta indicators.

If you enjoyed learning about actionList.Pro's powerLine and powerLine Alerts panels, consider this your invitation to register for a no-strings-attached free trial, available at: www.actionlist.pro. And don't forget to share this post with a friend! For updates and news from actionList.Pro, subscribe to the actionList.Pro RSS Feed.

About actionList.Pro

actionList.Pro™ serves as an integrated watchlist platform that positions its customers to independently monitor risk and reward attributes associated with individual stocks, or stock positions, and efficiently draw insight from across perspectives that scale from high-level capital market factors to industrial index and stock-specific price trend strength indicators. It allows for monitoring activities to take place within the context of an informational framework consisting of risk and reward related measures with the potential to drive change, and serves as an enabling technology that provides its customers with meaningful time savings while deepening their stock market insights.

Source: actionList.Pro LLC

Hashtags: #actionlistpro #interest_rates #stocks #stock_market #trends #watchlist #powerline #powerlinealerts

Important Note: This blog post does not contain investment advice. It is published within the scope of actionList.Pro's, Terms of Use Agreement and Privacy Policy. Its content is only current at the time of publication, and may change at any time thereafter. Past performance is not an indication of future performance. You are strongly advised to obtain qualified financial counsel prior to selecting a course of action related to your finances.