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TVM Calculators

Welcome to actionList.Pro's collection of time value of money calculators.

  • Time value of money (TVM) calculations offer unique insights into financial decision making.
  • TVM is the fundamental principle in finance that describes how a payment's present or future value responds to changes in the time period over which it is discounted or compounded.
  • Advanced TVM principles build on fundamental TVM principles to include payment frequency, intra-period payment timing, payment growth, compounding / discounting frequency, inflation, risk and tax considerations.
  • Use the left and right arrows (or dots at the bottom of this slideshow panel) to discover and access specific TVM calculators, and deepen your financial insights.

Tips and Hints

  • Calculator use is subject to actionList.Pro's Terms of Use Agreement and Privacy Policy. They do not convey investment advice.
  • Mouseover or click on the "i" symbols next to the input fields for a description of requirements for that field.
  • Use percentages for rate inputs. E.g., For 1.50%, use 1.5 or 1.50, but not 0.015.
  • Where applicable, use unit conventions consistently. E.g., If $10 is chosen to represent $10 million, continue using that convention.
  • Results are delivered in a popup window.
  • Use actionList.Pro's contact form to ask questions, and report bugs or errors.
  • Enjoy!

Lump Sum

Submit payment and interest rate details to calculate the present value or future value of a lump sum; a single payment occuring now, or at some time in the future.

Present Value Future Value
Payment [$]:  Info Payment
  • Units: USD
  • > 0
  • <= 10M
  • <= 2 Decimal Places
Time Hzn [#]:  Info Time Horizon
  • Units: Years
  • Integers Only
  • > 0
  • <= 100
i Rate [%]:  Info Interest Rate
  • Units: Percent / Yr
  • > 0
  • <= 30
  • <= 2 Decimal Places
  • 1.00 = 1.00%
Cmp Frq [#]:  Info Compounding Frequency
  • Units: Compounding Periods / Yr
  • Select from the dropdown list

Ordinary Annuity

Submit payment and interest rate details to calculate the present value or future value of an ordinary annuity; a series of equal and evenly distributed end-of-period payments with a finite time horizon.

Present Value Future Value
Payment [$]:  Info Payment
  • Units: USD
  • > 0
  • <= 100K
  • <= 2 Decimal Places
Time Hzn [#]:  Info Time Horizon
  • Units: Years
  • Integers Only
  • > 0
  • <= 100
Pmts / Yr [#]:  Info Payments / Yr
  • Units: Number of Payments / Yr
  • Select from the dropdown list
i Rate [%]:  Info Interest Rate
  • Units: Percent / Yr
  • > 0
  • <= 30
  • <= 2 Decimal Places
  • E.g.: 1.00 = 1.00%
Cmp Frq [#]:  Info Compounding Frequency
  • Units: Compounding Periods / Yr
  • ∞ = Continuous Compounding
  • Select from the dropdown list

Growing Ordinary Annuity

Submit payment and interest rate details to calculate the present value or future value of a growing ordinary annuity; a series of evenly distributed and growing end-of-period payments with a finite time horizon.

Present Value Future Value
Payment [$]:  Info Payment
  • Units: USD
  • > 0
  • <= 100K
  • <= 2 Decimal Places
Time Hzn [#]:  Info Time Horizon
  • Units: Years
  • Integers Only
  • > 0
  • <= 100
Pmts / Yr [#]:  Info Payments / Yr
  • Units: Number of Payments / Yr
  • Select from the dropdown list
g Rate [%]:  Info Growth Rate
  • Units: Percent / Yr
  • > 0
  • < 30
  • < i Rate
  • <= 2 Decimal Places
  • E.g.: 1.00 = 1.00%
i Rate [%]:  Info Interest Rate
  • Units: Percent / Yr
  • > 0
  • <= 30
  • > g Rate
  • <= 2 Decimal Places
  • E.g.: 1.00 = 1.00%
Cmp Frq [#]:  Info Compounding Frequency
  • Units: Compounding Periods / Yr
  • ∞ = Continuous Compounding
  • Select from the dropdown list

Ordinary Perpetuity

Submit payment and interest rate details to calculate the present value of an ordinary perpetuity; an infinite series of equal and evenly distributed end-of-period payments.

Present Value
Payment [$]:  Info Payment
  • Units: USD
  • > 0
  • <= 100K
  • <= 2 Decimal Places
Pmts / Yr [#]:  Info Payments / Yr
  • Units: Number of Payments / Yr
  • Select from the dropdown list
i Rate [%]:  Info Interest Rate
  • Units: Percent / Yr
  • > 0
  • <= 30
  • <= 2 Decimal Places
  • 1.00 = 1.00%
Cmp Frq [#]:  Info Compounding Frequency
  • Units: Compounding Periods / Yr
  • ∞ = Continuous Compounding
  • Select from the dropdown list

Growing Ordinary Perpetuity

Submit payment and interest rate details to calculate the present value of a growing ordinary perpetuity; an infinite series of growing and evenly distributed payments.

Present Value 
Payment [$]:  Info Payment
  • Units: USD
  • > 0
  • <= 100K
  • <= 2 Decimal Places
Pmts / Yr [#]:  Info Payments / Yr
  • Units: Number of Payments / Yr
  • Select from the dropdown list
g Rate [%]:  Info Growth Rate
  • Units: Percent / Yr
  • > 0
  • < 30
  • < i Rate
  • <= 2 Decimal Places
  • E.g.: 1.00 = 1.00%
i Rate [%]:  Info Interest Rate
  • Units: Percent / Yr
  • > 0
  • <= 30
  • > g Rate
  • <= 2 Decimal Places
  • E.g.: 1.00 = 1.00%
Cmp Frq [#]:  Info Compounding Frequency
  • Units: Compounding Periods / Yr
  • ∞ = Continuous Compounding
  • Select from the dropdown list

Required Rate of Return

Submit the (1) risk free rate of return, (2) Beta coefficient and (3) expected stock market return to calculate the required rate of return for a given stock.

rf Rate [%]:  Info Risk Free Rate
  • Units: Percent
  • > 0
  • <= 30
  • < rm Rate
  • <= 2 Decimal Places
Beta [#]:  Info Beta Coefficient
  • Units: β
  • Integers Only
  • > 0
  • <= 10
rm Rate [%]:  Info Market Return [%]
  • Units: Percent
  • > 0
  • <= 100
  • > rf Rate
  • <= 2 Decimal Places

Dividend Discount Model

Submit (1) the most recent annual dividend per share, (2) expected dividend growth rate, and (3) the required rate of return to estimate the present value of an infinite series of expected dividends growing at a constant rate.

DPS0 [$]:  Info Dividend / Share
  • Units: USD / Yr
  • > 0
  • <= 1000
  • <= 2 Decimal Places
g Rate [%]:  Info DPS0 Growth Rate
  • Units: Percent
  • > 0
  • < 150
  • < k Rate
  • <= 2 Decimal Places
k Rate [%]:  Info Required Rate of Return
  • Units: Percent
  • > 0
  • <= 150
  • > g Rate
  • <= 2 Decimal Places

Free Cash Flow to Equity
Discount Model

Submit the Free Cash Flow to Equity (FCFE) inputs, required rate of return and expected growth rate to estimate the present value of an infinite FCFE per share series growing at a constant rate.

Hint: Apply numeric units consistently; e.g.: millions, billions, etc.

NET INC0 [$]
Info Net Income (ttm0)
  • Units: USD
  • > -1000
  • < 1000
  • <= 5 Decimal Places
D&A0 [$]
Info Depreciation and
Amortization (ttm0)
  • Units: USD
  • > -1000
  • < 1000
  • <= 5 Decimal Places
FXA-1 [$] FXA0 [$]
Info Fixed Assets (t-1 & t0)
  • Units: USD
  • > 0
  • < 1000
  • <= 5 Decimal Places
BRW-1 [$] BRW0 [$]
Info Borrowing (t-1 & t0)
  • Units: USD
  • > 0
  • < 1000
  • <= 5 Decimal Places
WC-1 [$] WC0 [$]
Info Working Capital (t-1 & t0)
  • Units: USD
  • > -1000
  • < 1000
  • <= 5 Decimal Places
CSTM0 [$]
Info Custom
  • Units: USD
  • > -1000
  • > -1000
  • < 1000
  • <= 5 Decimal Places
SHR0 [#]
Info Share Count
  • Units: Shares
  • > 0
  • < 1000
  • <= 5 Decimal Places
g Rate [%]
Info FCFE per Shr Growth Rate
  • Units: Percent
  • > 0
  • < 150
  • < k Rate
  • <= 2 Decimal Places
  • 1.00 = 1.00%
k Rate [%]
Info Required Rate of Return
  • Units: Percent
  • > 0
  • <= 150
  • > g Rate
  • <= 2 Decimal Places
  • 1.00 = 1.00%

Important! This calculator aims to present a generalized approach to a free cash flow discounting method with exceptionally specific requirements. It is very likely a comprehensive FCFE discounting analsysis will take into account inputs and considerations beyond those specified here.

Annualized Return

Submit the purchase and sale details to calculate an annualized return.

Buy Date [D]:  Info Buy Date
  • Units: YYYY-MM-DD
  • >= 1999-01-01
  • <= 2024-09-19
Buy Px [$]:  Info Buy Price
  • Units: USD
  • > 0
  • <= 100000
  • <= 2 Decimal Places
Sale Date [D]:  Info Sale Date
  • Units: YYYY-MM-DD
  • >= 1999-01-01
  • <= 2024-09-19
Sale Px [$]:  Info Sale Price
  • Units: USD
  • > 0
  • <= 100000
  • <= 2 Decimal Places